Monday, August 31, 2009

mY DiaRy


tOday i haVe nEw eXperiEnce...
in mY liFe..
i caN sTudy wIth mY freN..

befoRe thiS i juSt sTay iN my room buT now
i haVe to go oUt fRom tHis sItuatIon bEcauSe When i sTudY with thEm
i haVe aN idEa to sHare n we aLL caN diScuss tOgether...
sO...sTudy in grOup is bEtter thaN sTudy aloNe..


Thahar said...

Just nak berkongsi sket..

Klik di sini

affendik? said...

salam alaykum
hi samiera..can i ask you a question? err why kilixz? (just curious)

okay for a first entry, but try to post more often ya.i'm sure you have many tings to share with your friends, right? ^_^

(sharing is caring)

Thahar said...

link broken..?
copy paste nih..
